Sustainability Guide

Seven approaches to even more sustainability

We are facing major challenges in the coming years. Climate change, the scarcity of resources and the loss of biodiversity require rapid and comprehensive action by our society. We present seven approaches with which we can make a joint contribution.

What would the world be
without plastic packaging?

How can we guarantee a safe and efficient supply for over eight billion people?
And at the same time ensure that we use energy, resources and the environment responsibly?

Sustainability Guide

Of course, our responsibility begins as early as the development of our products. Within the framework of our Jokey Eco Concept, we describe in the Eco Design pillar which fields of action we pursue so that our products can achieve maximum sustainability values. Learn more about our Jokey Eco Design.

Sustainability Guide

But even with a well-thought-out and effective eco-design, there are still ways to further improve the sustainability rating of our packaging products. Sometimes it’s not that easy, but once you get to know the positive effect, it may be easier than you thought.

Let’s talk about it!

Sustainability Guide
Raw Material

We use raw materials that are highly efficient and ideally suited for the production of functional packaging as a mono-material. And, of course, our raw materials must prove themselves in a global circular economy and remain in it for as long as possible.

Talk to us about our grey secondary raw materials!

Sustainability Guide

Our society has become increasingly optimised in recent years. Just-in-time in quality and quantity. Global processes that interlock precisely like cogwheels. But do our synchronised processes also make sense from a sustainability perspective? What can be improved to reduce emissions and conserve resources?

Let’s analyse the possibilities together!!

Sustainability Guide

Packaging must also reach its destination undamaged and in the desired quality and quantity. But we often use too many materials. Perhaps we can think about reducing them together. This will also help us to reduce our footprint.

Are you interested?

Sustainability Guide

Logistics consumes resources and causes high CO2 emissions. Highly efficient ordering processes can have a major impact here – for better or for worse. Let’s reduce CO2 emissions together.

We’d be happy to think about it with you.

Sustainability Guide
Valuation CE

Jokey is committed to 360° circular solutions. We support EPR systems and develop take-back systems for our packaging where this is technically possible. This enables us to save on new raw materials.

Would you like to exchange ideas?

Portrait Michael Schmitz

Do you have any questions?
We will be happy to help you.

Michael Schmitz
Sustainability Manager