Together for sustainable solutions
Wipperfürth, January 2020: Packaging manufacturer Jokey SE is already meeting the challenges of the future by further expanding its sustainability strategy together with JONAS Farbenwerke.

Since 2019, all JONAS adhesives, primers and interior paints have been manufactured step by step without the addition of preservatives. The motto is “not supplementing, but replacing” – and all this with unchanged product properties. With the further development of “The green White”, the company is now producing a particularly environmentally friendly and high-quality interior paint for sophisticated coatings. During the production of the paint, technical reasons mean that there are leftover amounts when bottling, which are reformulated and returned to the circular economy in a resource-efficient way. The “paint to paint” process conserves valuable new raw materials. Similar implementations can be found at Jokey.
A holistic eco concept: the first step towards environmentally friendly packaging
When it comes to ecological responsibility, working with Jokey is the right way forward. Not only the colours of JONAS, but also Jokey’s packaging together make a meaningful contribution to the ecological balance. Both the product and its packaging are based on the values of sustainability. “Jokey has been developing its Eco Concept, which is geared towards sustainability along the entire value chain, for years,” explains CEO Jens Stadter. “What we manufacture must also be fully recyclable. Jokey has been facing up to this responsibility since its beginnings.” The “post-consumer secondary raw materials” used for JONAS are additionally certified with the RAL quality mark “%-Recycling-Kunststoff” (%-recycled plastic) by the “Gütegemeinschaft Rezyklate aus haushaltsnahen Wertstoffsammlungen e.V.” (Quality Association for Recyclates from Household Recycling).
With this packaging, JONAS supports Jokey’s recyclate campaign, which appeals to responsibility for a closed recycling loop.
The packaging now consists of 20% ocean-based recycled plastics and more than 50% post-consumer recycled materials, which are obtained from household collections by the dual systems. For JONAS, the packaging is therefore an ecologically sensible contribution to the protection of resources and consistently reflects the values and responsibility of JONAS Farbenwerke and Jokey. In this way, Jokey and JONAS Farbenwerke achieve maximum sustainability. The blue edge at the top of the packaging, which is caused by the manufacturing process, is transformed into an unmistakable quality feature and helps both JONAS Farbenwerke and Jokey to visually communicate their responsibility to the customer in terms of a circular economy. The packaging created in this way is fully recyclable after use and thus finds its way back into the sustainable circular economy.
A signal for other industry leaders
Since the market launch of Jokey’s first quality-certified recycled packaging in 2019, JONAS is already the second Jokey customer to join the RAL initiative. It is hoped that this signal will encourage other manufacturers to switch their packaging to post-consumer recycled materials, thus making another important contribution to a circular economy.
More information:
Jokey Eco Concept